Tools for working with distinguishing maps and trees.
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Here we grow the trees.
- class Map(mapping, cfg_map, domain, codomain)[source]¶
A distinguishing map.
domain ====== ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐ │P1 │P2 │P3 │P4 │P5 │P5 │ └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : cfg_map mapping ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐ codomain ======= ======= │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ 4 │ 5 │ ======== ┌────┬───┐ ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤ │cfg1│ 0│:::::::│ 0│ T │ F │ T │ F │ T │ T │ {T, F} ├────┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤ │cfg2│ 1│:::::::│ 1│ F │ F │ F │ F │ T │ T │ ├────┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┤ │cfg3│ 2│:::::::│ 2│ T │ T │ F │ F │ T │ T │ └────┴───┘ └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘
[source]¶ A dataframe containing the map outputs.
Both the columns and the index are simply numeric. The columns are the domain. The items in the rows are from the codomain. The index may have gaps. To map it back into the set of configs for each unique row, see the cfg_map.
- classmethod from_sets(cfgs, mapping, deduplicate=False)[source]¶
Build a distinguishing map with binary outputs from a set of configs and a mapping.
Given configs {a, b, c} and a mapping of {a: {1}, b: {1, 2}, c: {2}}, this will build a distinguishing map with the following structure:
domain ====== ┌───┬───┐ │ 1 │ 2 │ └───┴───┘ : : : : : : : : cfg_map mapping ┌───┬───┐ codomain ======= ======= │ 0 │ 1 │ ======== ┌────┬───┐ ┌───┼───┼───┤ │ a │ 0│:::::::│ 0│ T │ F │ {T, F} ├────┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┤ │ b │ 1│:::::::│ 1│ T │ T │ ├────┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┤ │ c │ 2│:::::::│ 2│ F │ T │ └────┴───┘ └───┴───┴───┘
- classmethod from_io_maps(cfgs, mapping)[source]¶
Build a distinguishing map with arbitrary outputs from a set of configs and a mapping that gives the oracle responses for each config and input.
Given configs {a, b, c} and a mapping of {a: {x: 1, y: 2}, b: {x: 2, y: 1}, c: {x: 1}}, this will build a distinguishing map with the following structure:
domain ====== ┌───┬───┐ │ x │ y │ └───┴───┘ : : : : : : : : cfg_map mapping ┌───┬───┐ codomain ======= ======= │ 0 │ 1 │ ======== ┌────┬───┐ ┌───┼───┼───┤ │ a │ 0│:::::::│ 0│ 1 │ 2 │ {1, 2} ├────┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┤ │ b │ 1│:::::::│ 1│ 2 │ 1 │ ├────┼───┤ ├───┼───┼───┤ │ c │ 2│:::::::│ 2│ 1 │ - │ └────┴───┘ └───┴───┴───┘
- class Node(cfgs, dmap_index=None, dmap_input=None, response=None, parent=None, children=None)[source]¶
A node in a distinguishing tree.
][source]¶ The input for the oracle call for this node (is from dmap at dmap_index in the Tree).
][source]¶ The response to the previous oracle call that resulted in this node.
- property parent[source]¶
Parent Node.
On set, the node is detached from any previous parent node and attached to the new node.
>>> from anytree import Node, RenderTree >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc") >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> print(RenderTree(udo)) Node('/Udo') >>> print(RenderTree(marc)) Node('/Marc') └── Node('/Marc/Lian')
>>> marc.parent = udo >>> print(RenderTree(udo)) Node('/Udo') └── Node('/Udo/Marc') └── Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian')
To make a node to a root node, just set this attribute to None.
>>> marc.is_root False >>> marc.parent = None >>> marc.is_root True
- property children[source]¶
All child nodes.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> n = Node("n") >>> a = Node("a", parent=n) >>> b = Node("b", parent=n) >>> c = Node("c", parent=n) >>> n.children (Node('/n/a'), Node('/n/b'), Node('/n/c'))
Modifying the children attribute modifies the tree.
The children attribute can be updated by setting to an iterable.
>>> n.children = [a, b] >>> n.children (Node('/n/a'), Node('/n/b'))
Node c is removed from the tree. In case of an existing reference, the node c does not vanish and is the root of its own tree.
>>> c Node('/c')
>>> d = Node("d") >>> d Node('/d') >>> n.children = [a, b, d] >>> n.children (Node('/n/a'), Node('/n/b'), Node('/n/d')) >>> d Node('/n/d')
A node can just be the children once. Duplicates cause a
:>>> n.children = [a, b, d, a] Traceback (most recent call last): ... anytree.node.exceptions.TreeError: Cannot add node Node('/n/a') multiple times as child.
- property ancestors[source]¶
All parent nodes and their parent nodes.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> udo.ancestors () >>> marc.ancestors (Node('/Udo'),) >>> lian.ancestors (Node('/Udo'), Node('/Udo/Marc'))
- property anchestors[source]¶
All parent nodes and their parent nodes - see
.The attribute anchestors is just a typo of ancestors. Please use ancestors. This attribute will be removed in the 3.0.0 release.
- property depth[source]¶
Number of edges to the root Node.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> udo.depth 0 >>> marc.depth 1 >>> lian.depth 2
- property descendants[source]¶
All child nodes and all their child nodes.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> loui = Node("Loui", parent=marc) >>> soe = Node("Soe", parent=lian) >>> udo.descendants (Node('/Udo/Marc'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian/Soe'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Loui')) >>> marc.descendants (Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian/Soe'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Loui')) >>> lian.descendants (Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian/Soe'),)
- property height[source]¶
Number of edges on the longest path to a leaf Node.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> udo.height 2 >>> marc.height 1 >>> lian.height 0
- property is_leaf[source]¶
Node has no children (External Node).
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> udo.is_leaf False >>> marc.is_leaf False >>> lian.is_leaf True
- property is_root[source]¶
Node is tree root.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> udo.is_root True >>> marc.is_root False >>> lian.is_root False
- iter_path_reverse()[source]¶
Iterate up the tree from the current node to the root node.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> for node in udo.iter_path_reverse(): ... print(node) Node('/Udo') >>> for node in marc.iter_path_reverse(): ... print(node) Node('/Udo/Marc') Node('/Udo') >>> for node in lian.iter_path_reverse(): ... print(node) Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian') Node('/Udo/Marc') Node('/Udo')
- property leaves[source]¶
Tuple of all leaf nodes.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> loui = Node("Loui", parent=marc) >>> lazy = Node("Lazy", parent=marc) >>> udo.leaves (Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Loui'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lazy')) >>> marc.leaves (Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Loui'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lazy'))
- property path[source]¶
Path from root node down to this Node.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> udo.path (Node('/Udo'),) >>> marc.path (Node('/Udo'), Node('/Udo/Marc')) >>> lian.path (Node('/Udo'), Node('/Udo/Marc'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian'))
- property root[source]¶
Tree Root Node.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> udo.root Node('/Udo') >>> marc.root Node('/Udo') >>> lian.root Node('/Udo')
- property siblings[source]¶
Tuple of nodes with the same parent.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> loui = Node("Loui", parent=marc) >>> lazy = Node("Lazy", parent=marc) >>> udo.siblings () >>> marc.siblings () >>> lian.siblings (Node('/Udo/Marc/Loui'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lazy')) >>> loui.siblings (Node('/Udo/Marc/Lian'), Node('/Udo/Marc/Lazy'))
- property size[source]¶
Tree size — the number of nodes in tree starting at this node.
>>> from anytree import Node >>> udo = Node("Udo") >>> marc = Node("Marc", parent=udo) >>> lian = Node("Lian", parent=marc) >>> loui = Node("Loui", parent=marc) >>> soe = Node("Soe", parent=lian) >>> udo.size 5 >>> marc.size 4 >>> lian.size 2 >>> loui.size 1
- class SplitCriterion[source]¶
A splitting criterion to be used in tree building.
- class Tree(root, *maps)[source]¶
A distinguishing tree.
- property height: int[source]¶
Get the height of the tree (distance from the root to the deepest leaf).
- property precise: bool[source]¶
Whether the tree is precise (all leaves have only a single configuration).
- render_basic()[source]¶
Render the tree in a basic form, with number of configs as nodes.
- Return type:
- Returns:
A string with the tree.
- describe()[source]¶
Describe some important properties of the tree.
- Return type:
- Returns:
A string with the description.